Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Sunday Currently | 5

{ you can view my currently blog post from last week if you want to catch up a bit }

reading I'm currently in between books, but Jessica at O. Alouette recommended signing up for Goodreads so I'm sure I'll find something good to read soon!
writing a meal plan for this week. What should we eat?!
listening to our noisy apartment dishwasher do its work.
thinking about how I just remembered seeing it snow in my dream last night. Apparently I've got snow on the brain! I remember how magical and exciting that snow seemed in my dream.
smelling a delicious cup of coffee... but what's new?
wishing for cooler weather and smaller electric bills. Ha!
hoping that we can manage a trip to Michigan or Colorado this fall/winter even with my husband's terrible reserve schedules at work.
wearing a green and black striped top with black skinny jeans and some silver jewelry.
loving that we both feel much healthier and better since we started working out more regularly... (aka since we've moved to Florida over a year ago)
wanting the winter birds to make their return to Florida. My binoculars have been collecting dust lately. I miss the adorable little yellow-rumped warbler!
needing to do more writing.
feeling like my legs and bum are on fire after running, lifting weights, and doing lunges yesterday. Ouch!
clicking through some pretty pictures on Pinterest today. (:

What are you doing today?


  1. The the "do" did you go darker? The talks of smelling coffee make my mouth water so I'm going to brew up a cup as well before I sit down for my nightly blog time :)

  2. I LOVE YOUR NECKLACE!!!! I want one so badly!

    And you would LOVE the birds here in Hawaii. I'm not a bird fan but I find myself watching them. They're so different then back in FL.

    Have a lovely Sunday! I'm hoping to go to the pumpkin patch today!

  3. Thanks for the shout out!
    I'm wishing for cooler weather too :)
    Hope you have a great week!

  4. I have been trying to be better and start writing meal plans!

  5. My sister got me started on meal planning. I love it. It's takes all the decision making out of dinner. B likes it too. One recipe he loves is baked chicken parmesan. Mmm, Mmm. I have to put that on the weekly planner at least once a week ha!

  6. Alex and I can relate on the workout front. After taking a 2/3/4 month hiatus, our morning routine has turned us into a different couple! I am so glad you guys are enjoying your workouts, too!

    SNOW!!! I want snow, too! I hope you make it to Michigan, also. :)


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