Friday, August 24, 2012

Feeling Ambitious & Misunderstood

Feeling ambitious has nothing to do with deep cleaning the toilet today, although that is certainly ambition driven, but it has more to do with me really wanting to update my blog and let you all know a little bit more about me. I can definitely be a private person, although having a blog may not seem very private, but it's more so that I don't always reveal a lot of my personality on here. Sometimes I find it difficult letting you know who I am through a blog. All I can do is write words, which aren't always eloquent, and hope that you get the right idea. The tough thing is, I don't always feel I come across the way I'd like. Just like I can be very shy when first meeting someone, my family and good friends know that is anything but true.

What I'm trying to say is that I've made a few updates to my blog this week. I updated the travel page, and I also added a page called Fly World. You will now find plenty of links to blog posts about some of our travels, and my new Fly World page includes peeks into what it's like being married to a commercial pilot. If you're interested, I also included quite a few links to other bloggers who give their insight to the 'fly world' as well. I hope you will take the time getting to know me, and I hope to know you better too!

Alamosa, Colorado: climbing a giant sand dune during our trip... that's ambition

My mind constantly reels with thoughts, ideas, and all sorts of things in between. I often say I should carry a voice recorder, because some of my best, and often funniest, thoughts come at the most random of times. I'll spout something funny off while eating dinner with family, or I'll make people laugh while waiting in line at the store. I never know when the best thought will appear, and I feel that this blog is often a dumping ground for some of my most boring or worst thoughts. Don't get me wrong, every once in a while I have a great thought, I attempt sharing it, and get little to no feedback on this blog. I'm not here solely for the comments, but it is nice knowing that someone out there gets what you have said. I hope to whittle down my thoughts, and maybe someday this blog will be a little more focused, honest, and truthful.

I appreciate every single person who visits my blog, leaves comments, and I especially love getting to know you all. I may not always email back after reading your comment, but please know that I appreciate each and every one of them. I often struggle with balancing, life and blog, so there are times when I'll go stretches of days without reading or writing any blog posts at all. That doesn't mean I don't care. I promise you that. I'm unfortunately one of those people who often cares too much what others think, something which I am working on fixing. Like I always say, I know I'm far from perfect.

Thanks again to all of my readers! If you read this and I haven't heard from you, I would love to know you're there. I hope you'll take a little time reading some of my updates.

Happy weekend to you!

I suppose I'm also a bit ambitious for posting twice today.
Check out my earlier post from today about what I'd wear for a road trip.


  1. It's good that you're trying to make your blog reflect more who you are (not that I think it doesn't do that now). I think that's a crucial thing. I just don't think you should think too much about how you're coming across. We all go through phases and sometimes we are into something and then we're not. As long as you're honest with yourself and write thinking about what you like, this will always be an interesting blog to read! ;)

    I also struggle with balancing blog/real life. I felt like I was into it a bit too much in the past. Now I don't comment as much and post less, and though I wish I had more time to dedicate to it, I think I'm closer to reaching a healthy balance.


  2. I love your blog. Keep it up honey, you're doing a great job.

    You make me laugh all the time, one of the many things that I love about you. Even if you don't think it comes out in your blog all the time, I can still see the humor in your writing, and I think others can too.

    PS- High five on the toilet! :)

  3. This is a lovely, eloquent, and insightful post. Can I just say amen?

    I totally agree with you on ALL of this. At the end of the day, it's hard to find the words, nevertheless the motivation to just write. And then trying to piece together intelligence with humor with deep thought and with proper grammar? It's hard!

    Thanks for posting! This is lovely, as are you

  4. I just re-stumbled upon your blog, after being away from the blogging world for a few months. But I'm glad that I did. I use to always frequent your blog, especially since Florida will always be "home" to us.

    I hope all is well! :)


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