Friday, January 27, 2012

Nerdy Bird

A birding we will go. A birding we will go.
Hi-ho the derry-o...
a birding we will go.
{ sung to the tune of The Farmer in the Dell }

Oh hey there!
Did you know that birding, or birdwatching, is one of my new favorite things to do?! Well it is.
I wasn't really joking when I previously mentioned { in this post here } that I might turn
into a binocular wielding, safari hat wearing bird stalker.

{taken while exploring the Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary during our honeymoon in Florida in 2010 }

You had no idea I was this cool, did you? (:

This past week we spent some time at the John Chesnut Sr. Park. To my excitement, I discovered this park is part of the Great Florida Birding Trail. Yes. There are parks/trails all across the state that make up this incredible network of prime birding locations. I'm still only a beginner, but it's exciting to know that Florida is a great place to support my new favorite hobby.

We met a woman, obviously more experienced at birding, who put some seed on the boardwalk railings in order to coax some birds out of the trees. Telling the birds "I will only shoot you with my camera" also seemed to ease their little birdie fears. Before I knew it, I was just a few feet from some curious little birds.

{ if you look closely you'll notice a seed that got tossed by this hungry little tufted titmouse }

 I mean... who doesn't love a bird with a 'mohawk'.
It's actually called a crest, but I love thinking of it as a bird mohawk. }

Growing up my family had a pied cockatiel as a pet, so maybe I'm partial towards the tufted titmouse because of it's cute little crest on its head. Either way I look forward to spotting some more elusive birds, like the painted bunting. Oh the excitement of becoming a birdwatcher! ;)

Do you enjoy watching birds as much as I do?

Apparently each year New Jersey host's the World Series of Birding.
This birdwatching is serious business, folks!


  1. I love spotting birds here and there :) I actually went on a birding thing over in Cocoa Beach area for one of my classes. It was pretty cool :)

  2. Cool pictures. I need to get out more and use my new camera. What kind of lenses do you have? And are these pictures edited in photoshop? Thanks :)

  3. Hey Leah, I use Canon's 50mm f/1.4 lens on my EOS 30d Canon dSLR.

    I love my lens, but I'd like to get a lens with zoom sometime soon! That way I can get closer to the birds without getting too close. ;)

    Sometimes I use Picnik to do some minor edits to my photos.... and I also use iPhoto to adjust the exposure/contrast/crop etc.

  4. We have a creek and deep woods behind our house, and ther are so many birds around! I have totally gotten into bird watching. Titmouse, cardinal, cickadee, and woodpeckers visit our feeder all the time. love it! And, yes, we are cool :)

  5. Oh my goodness! I'm being completely serious when I tell you how cool I think this is! I totally want to go bird watching!

  6. are the CUTEST bird watcher ever. ;)

    p.s. If you like Alice in Wonderland, come check out my cute giveaway!

  7. pure love!! your blog is very very cute!! if you want follow me on google friends and i will be happy to follow you back <3
    a_c'est moi

  8. Great pictures, Ash!! You fit perfectly in that picture of the sanctuary, and so adorable, might I add :)

    Birds are fascinating. Just recently watched the movie Rio, and now I want a macaw or a cockatoo! hehe


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