Friday, June 15, 2012

An Unheard-Of Thing

Hey there blog friends! I have 3 days off of work in a row. I know! It's unheard-of around these parts, so I figured I'd take some time to update you on happenings in my life. You have to take advantage of breaks from work and a little free time. You never know when 3 days off in a row might happen again. With these unexpected free days, I figured what better time to catch up on blogging than now, right? It's about time I make an effort to author a blog post... or maybe even two. *gasp* I know, I must be feeling ambitious this morning.

... maybe it's the coffee?

You know that quote "absence makes the heart grow fonder"? Well, I actually feel that way about this here blog. I continued reading many of my favorite blogs out there during my blog break, but I just didn't have the energy or interest in keeping up with my own blog. I occasionally opened Twitter and read some of your tweets, but I just wasn't feeling up to contributing myself. It became tiring trying to keep up with it all. Let me tell you, this break was a much needed time to focus on things that really matter, like my marriage, and I even took time to make a few phone calls, and texts, to people I have fallen out of touch with these days. Absence really does make the heart grow fonder. That is if the absence makes you realize how much you actually miss something. Absence can have quite the opposite effect too. Time away can also make you realize that you don't need certain things in your life. I realized that I do miss writing and sharing with you all, and not posting for a while has given me some time to think about what's most important in life.

sometimes taking some time off and a step back allows you to see much further than before

I have no idea how some of you blog each and every day. Seriously. In these next few days I'll be doing my best to write a few blog posts. Time management has not always been a strong suit of mine. I hope you'll keep reading, and I'll do my best to make time for writing when I can. I've missed you all!

Have you taken time off from something that made you
realize how much you did, or didn't, miss it?


  1. Aww I miss you too, sweet girl!! I totally believe in that quote. I've taken mini breaks with blogging here lately. It's just so darn hot and well after work all I want is to shower and do nothing else but just be. Brandon always loves when I make time for him too and putting blogging aside allows for more times like that to happen :)

    So proud of you for writing today. Can't wait to read your next posts. Hope today is a great day for you!! xo

  2. I've missed your posts! I agree with you, I have no idea how people post everyday. I might have a few posts in a row but typically that only happens when I write in advance and schedule the posts. The second I caught myself saying, "wait, I need a picture for the blog" was when I realized I needed to start living my life instead of focusing on blogging about my life!

  3. How funny! I just got back into it as well...I sort of missed it and sort of didn't. I hope you are doing well and will happily read along if you post, or not :) I ALSO have a 3 day weekend and have similar plans...with coffee...and sunshine, and maybe a little bit of What Not to Wear :) Have a great weekend lovely lady!

  4. This happens to me with blogging too! When life gets really busy the blog always gets put on the back burner... and then sometimes when I find time to blog I just don't have the energy or I want to write about 574892584923 at once and don't know where to start. All of which ends with me writing nothing. haha

    I'm glad to see you're back at it for a while - I've missed seeing you around :)


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