Monday, August 17, 2015

The Sunday, er... Monday Currently

It's been a while since I've written and published any blog posts.

If you follow me on Instagram, you have have already seen some pictures from Michigan...

My blog friend Lauren over at siddathornton has recently
started posting her Sunday Currently posts again,
so I figured what better way to get back into the swing of things.
Don't mind that this is a day late.

reading Right now I'm not reading a book, but I do have a few collecting dust on my nightstand. I am hoping to read The School of Essential Ingredients and Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Book Store. Life with a toddler makes finding time to read a little tricky.
writing just this blog post for now, but it's been a while. I would love to get back into blogging again, and maybe I'll post more than once a month. Don't hold your breath though. ;-)
listening to the sounds of a toddler waking up. I hear some chattering on the monitor. I suppose it could turn into screaming pretty quickly. Must.type.faster.
thinking that naps are never quite long enough. Ha!
smelling nothing at the moment. I feel like I should go bake cookies now or something. Isn't that a great smell?! Baked goods. Got to love them!
wishing for an endless supply of cash. :-P
hoping that the temperatures drop a little bit soon. I mean... this Arizona weather is still much easier to handle than the humid Florida summers, but after a while you just want fall to appear out of nowhere.
wearing some really old ripped up skinny jeans, a grey t-shirt, my blue Broncos hat with a pony tail, and my silver Pandora charm bracelet.
loving the opportunity to write a blog post. I seriously need to get on here more often. I miss hearing from my blog friends!
wanting to travel and see more national parks! We just got back from a trip to Michigan and visited Sleeping Bear Sand Dune National Lakeshore. I just love that place. There are so many national parks near us now, and I want to see them all.
needing to go grocery shopping. After getting back from Michigan, we've come home to a pretty empty refrigerator.
feeling Hungry! I should seriously bake cookies, but I don't want to turn on the oven in 100+ temps. Oh the dilemma!
clicking hopefully through some blogs... I have got some catching up to do.

* If you missed previous editions of The Sunday Currently, you can see them all here

Now link up your edition of The Sunday Currently with Lauren

Happy Sunday... er, Monday!

1 comment:

  1. So jealous of all your park choices!! Florida is lovely, as you know, but man, we are lacking national parks choices and especially with the views you have now!! I can't wait to get to the Everglades though! All my life here and I have never been. Happy exploring!!


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