Friday, May 9, 2014

Oh Hi, I'm a Mom!

It's been over a month, and for good reason, since I last publishes a blog post. My husband have been incredibly busy enjoying our almost-1-month old. Seriously, where has the time gone? A lot has happened since my last post. I went past my due date by almost a week, my mom visited from Michigan and enjoyed becoming a first time grandma, and Chase had grandparents visit from Colorado too! Aside from giving birth and enjoying visitors, we've been adjusting having a newborn in our lives. It's not what I expected at all, but we're loving on our little boy every second that we get!

we waited patiently... sort of

I have so much to share since my last post, but I'll start with telling you that our son Chase was born at 40 weeks and 6 days. He came exactly when he was ready! I enjoyed prenatal yoga classes all the way up to my due date. My yoga instructor is also a doula, and we hired her to guide us through pregnancy and labor/delivery as well. She was amazing. I highly suggest looking into hiring a doula. (More on that later). I had a wonderful labor and delivery, thank goodness. (More on this later too). It was so incredible to become a mom, give my husband a son, and see my mother become a grandma. I get teary eyed just thinking about the day that Chase was born! I still have a hard time believing that I'm a mom. It's pretty amazing.

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Here's a little peek of the guy with his Easter basket.

Happy Easter (a little late)

I hope to share more about his birth and all sorts of other things later. Between feeding and changing diapers I never seem to have much free time. Not that I'm complaining at all. We love our little boy!

Any moms out there have advice for balancing life
and taking care of a newborn?


  1. Congratulations!!! Chase is absolutely beautiful and I'm glad everything went so smoothly! We hired a doula as well so I hope she pays off. I am 39 weeks so any day now... Yikes!

  2. Congratulations!!! What a handsome little man. :)

  3. Congratulations Ashley! I'm looking forward to all your new blog posts about Chase!

  4. Congratulations. To me, balance doesnt come yet. I fully believe in that 4th trimester (his first three months) where you are still very much attached to him. You have to be at his every beck and call and your entire life is him. In the meantime, let other things slide...laundry can pile up, toilets dont need cleaned, ect. Balance can come in a couple months...and it will! (Speaking as a Libra who is all about balance)

  5. Awww yay, Chase's first appearance on the blog! He is so stinking cute!!! SO happy for you guys. I agree with Joanna ^ above. Let the laundry, house cleaning, dishes and other house work slip by. Don't stress out about having everything cleaned. Plus, you can always hire a maid for that stuff! ;)

    But enough about that, I wanna know more about you!! How are you feeling? Are you breastfeeding? Gimme all the juicy details ;)

  6. Congratulations!! I loved "catching up" and seeing all this greatness :)
    Hope you are all doing well!


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